Stracchino & Primo Sale Cheese

milk road product

Stracchino, Primo Sale & Ricotta

Stracchino is a type of Italian cow's milk cheese. It is eaten very young and fresh, has a very soft consistency and a delicate and soft taste and a cheese that can be used as a dessert accompaniment, for its bitter sweet vein.

Primo Sale is also an Italian cheese that can be produced with cow's or sheep's milk and is a product that originates in the islands of Sicily and Sardinia but is now also produced throughout Italy. The name itself literally means "first salt" and is used to describe the first stages of maturation, and can also be used with spices and aromatic herbs.
Both are fresh cheeses with a very short shelf life of up to 15 days.

Ricotta is a typical Italian product from ancient times and obtained by processing the whey from the daily processing is always fresh and a product with high quality. We offer it in end user pack in 100 gr, 200 gr, 400 gr, 800 gr, 1000 gr, 1800 gr, and for industrial use in aseptic packaging of 10 Kg

Milk Road

In the Belice Valley in Sicily, Primo Sale, before the cheese is salted and taken right out of the mould, the cheese is called “Tuma”. After its first salting, it is called “Primo Sale”. After it is aged, it is referred to as “Vastedda”. Because the cheese is young, it has a bright white colored pate and milky in flavor. It is a rindless cheese that is semi-soft in texture. This cheese is typically made plain or flavored with black or red peppercorns.

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